The Ability of Medium and Large Bodied, Neotropical Terrestrial Mammal Species to Act as Bioindicators of Ecological Health - A Review and Synthesis.

1.1 Abstract

This paper is a review and synthesis of medium (2-15 kg) to large (>15 kg) bodied Neotropical terrestrial mammals and their abilities to act as bioindicators of ecological health. As human behavior interferes with Neotropical forests for development, farm and cattle expansion, logging, and unsustainable hunting and harvesting, habitats may be clearcut and fragmented while animal populations may be extirpated, losing the important ecological services these species provided their ecosystem. By identifying these ecological services provided and monitoring and protecting these species’ populations, we can ensure healthy ecosystems into the future. Apex predators like jaguars and pumas help create a balance in prey species populations which trickles down to balancing plant biodiversity while also provisioning tertiary consumers. Tapirs and agoutis both act as crucial seed dispersers for large seeded Neotropical trees, aiding in colonizing new habitats and diversifying existing ones. Peccaries act as seed predators, balancing flora diversity while also protecting plants from insect predation and parasitism while also creating habitat for gap-dependent species and amphibians by wallowing and rooting behaviors. As these species vanish from an ecosystem, cascading effects can be seen by the loss of other species, both flora and fauna, dependent on their ecological services or complete shifts in the collective biodiversity of flora and fauna populations.

2.1 Introduction

Protecting large regions of neotropical rainforest has been considered a best practice for conserving biodiversity (Bruner et al., 2001). Nonetheless, protected rainforest areas may still suffer from the threat of human encroachment, unsustainable harvesting of flora and fauna, as well as logging (Laurance et al., 2012). In some cases, areas under protection have been so negatively impacted by human activities that a loss of ecological services has occurred (Jorge et al., 2013). While it is challenging to map ecological processes like community dynamics and nutrient cycling over large areas, an easier alternative exists through documenting and mapping specific species that play important ecological roles (Jorge et al., 2013) that include improving soil quality, dispersing of seeds, managing wildlife populations, altering herbivory, and mitigating wildfires and the spread of zoonotic diseases (Estes et al., 2011). With medium (2-15 kg) to large (> 15 kg) bodied terrestrial mammals disproportionately providing these ecological services (Novack et al., 2005; Estes et al., 2011; Campos-Arceiz et al., 2012), this paper will analyze the ways in which these species act as bioindicators for ecological health in neotropical forests and can aid in focusing prospective camera trap studies on species of significance. 

3.1 Mammalian Apex Predators Influence (Panthera onca and Puma concolor)

Throughout much of the neotropics, two apex predator species exist -  jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor). While avoiding each other temporally, these apex predators often overlap spatially in habitat use (Harmsen et al., 2009), and when doing so, their sympatric relationship triggers an evolutionary response in the puma population, making them smaller in physical size, likely to minimize competition with jaguars (Taber et al., 1997). Through comparative analysis of puma head and body length ratios across the species’ entire geographic range, Iriarte et al. (1990) found that pumas become smaller in size when sympatric with jaguars, likely correlating with jaguars taking larger prey (> 15 kg) and pumas taking medium and small prey (1-15 kg) (Maxit 2001; Polisar et al., 2003; Scognamillo et al., 2003; Azevedo 2008). Furthermore, when predators are sympatric with one another, they form a mammalian predator guild where they act as ecosystem architects (Terborgh et al., 2002), sustaining balance and structure within their environment’s food webs (Estes et al., 2011). As opportunistic generalists, jaguars and pumas feed upon large ungulates and various medium to small prey (Novack et al., 2005; Ruth & Murphy, 2010), keeping herbivore populations in check and preventing over consumption of flora (Terborgh, 1988; Ripple et al., 2016). Jaguars and pumas can further protect vegetation from herbivores by creating a landscape of fear, shifting behavioral patterns and habitat use, further reducing the consumption of plants in focused areas (Ford et al., 2014; Donadio & Buskirk, 2016). Through their influence, jaguars and pumas create a trophic cascade by controlling herbivorous prey populations, altering herbivory on the local flora, and creating a more diverse biomass of plant life which then can spawn more diversity in herbivorous and frugivorous fauna as more food niches are able to grow into maturity (Schmitz et al., 2000; Estes et al., 2011; Ripple et al., 2014).

Apex predators like jaguars and pumas also provide ecological services to nutrient cycling by influencing the spatial organization of herbivores (Bai et al., 2012; Schmitz et al., 2010). As herbivores influence nutrient pools in the soil by changing the configuration of plant populations through consumption, plant litter quantities decrease and alter the distribution of carbon and nutrients in plant tissues (Wardle et al., 2002; Bai et al., 2003). The landscape of fear apex predators instill upon these herbivores can further influence the way the prey species transport nutrients across habitats, fertilizing soils through feces and urine (Murray et al., 2013).

3.2 Mammalian Prey Species Influence

3.2.1 Tapirs (Tapirus)

As tropical rainforests house vast amounts of biodiversity, act as sources for carbon storage, and regulate climate, mitigating forest loss and degradation is vital (Lewis et al., 2015). While conservationists fight to protect large areas of neotropical forest, they are aided by the abilities of lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) and Baird’s tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) to support forest regeneration and potentially offset disturbances that include habitat destruction and fragmentation, wildfires, and extreme climate events (Paolucci et al., 2018). As lowland tapirs are known to feed upon the fruits of about 300 plants (Barcelos et al., 2013) and cover home ranges up to 470 hectares (Tobler, 2008), this large terrestrial mammal plays a key role in seed dispersal, specifically of large seeds that smaller mammals are not as proficient at dispersing (Bueno et al., 2013; O’Farrill et al., 2013). This effectivity of dispersal is partly attributed to tapirs’ digestive systems only damaging between 1-31% (Hilbert et al., 2011; Paolucci et al., 2018) of ingested seeds as well as their preference for defecating in latrines. These accumulations of feces and seeds then act as hotspots for plant regeneration (Fragoso, 1997; Paolucci et al., 2018). Furthermore, tapirs aren’t just important at dispersing large seeds but also medium and small seeds as the majority of the seed load they pass through their gut has been observed to significantly favor smaller seeded species (Tobler et al., 2009).

Paolucci et al. (2018) also found that while tapirs have a great ability to spread seeds in healthy forest areas, they have an even greater ability to spread seeds in degraded forest areas as they often spread a mix of both pioneer and climax species as well as a mix of trees, shrubs, and lianas to these areas with minimal competition for light access. This is partly aided by the long gut retention rates (2-15 days) tapirs have in combination with their large home ranges, transporting seeds far away from their parent plant (O’Farrill et al., 2013). As tapirs defecate in latrines far from the ingested seed source, tapirs provide a fecal barrier, protecting seeds from seed predators and parasites while also providing fertilizer, increasing rates of germination (Fragoso 1997; Fragoso et al., 2003; O’Farril et al., 2013). This increased germination is further aided by other species like dung beetles transporting small seeds further away from the tapir latrines (Quiroga-Castro & Roldán, 2001; Rios & Pacheco, 2006) and medium to large sized seeds being further dispersed by scatter-hoarding rodents like agoutis (Brewer & Rejmanek, 1999).

3.2.2 Agoutis (Dasyprocta)

Agoutis (Dasyprocta), the medium sized (2-15 kg) terrestrial rodent species act as one of the aforementioned scatter-hoarders (Forget, 1994). While agoutis often live in high population densities (Wright et al., 1994), this in combination with their scatter-hoarding tendencies gives the species an important role as seed dispersers (Smythe, 1989; Asquith et al., 1999). When agoutis forage across their 2-3 ha area home ranges for fallen fruits or amongst the latrines of tapirs for seeds, agouti scatter-hoarding behavior leads them to act as short distance seed dispersers (Smythe, 1989; Fragoso, 1997) as most seeds are initially cached <25 m from their foraged locations (Jansen & Forget, 2001). Through this same scatter-hoarding behavior, they also collectively act as long distance seed dispersers by stealing from other agouti’s caches and re-caching their finds further away (Jansen & Forget, 2001; Haugaasen et al., 2010; Jansen et al., 2012). This act of secondary dispersal, usually within 5 to 200 m of their foraged location, partially fits within the often used long distance seed dispersal threshold of >100 m (Russo & Augspurger, 2004; Jordano et al., 2007; Jansen et al., 2012). Through this combination of short and long distance seed dispersal, not only do agoutis play a role into the aggregated distribution of large seeded tree species in Neotropical forests (Lieberman & Lieberman, 1994; Peres & Baider, 1997; Silvius & Fragoso, 2003), but also into the colonization of new habitats (Jansen et al., 2012). The dispersal efforts of agoutis prove to be so effective that even some species of trees, such as the Brazilnut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), are almost exclusively dependent on agoutis for the dispersal of their seeds (Peres & Baider, 1997; Taylor, 2000). 

3.2.3 Peccaries (Tayassuidae)

In contrast to tapirs and agoutis acting as seed dispersers, peccaries (Tayassuidae) primarily play an important role as a seed predator (Beck, 2006). This important role peccaries play is clearly indicated when they are extirpated from a Neotropical region. When peccaries were absent, Wyatt and Silman (2004) observed significant increases in uneaten seeds between 5000-6000% for palm species like Iriartea deltoidea and Astrocaryum murumuru. This observation coincided with a 70% increase of Astrocaryum seedlings, creating a uniformity in local plant life that did not exist in the presence of peccaries (Silman et al., 2003).  Furthermore, as collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) and white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) forage in herds (Eisenberg and Redford, 1999) and consume over 200 species of fruits, seeds, and seedlings (Roldán and Simonetti, 2001; Beck, 2005), they provide forests with ecological services, creating balance in floral diversity through herbivory (Beck, 2006). 

Peccaries also influence palm seedling establishment, spatial distribution, and density via trampling (Roldán and Simonetti, 2001). Trees with small seeded (< 1 cm diameter) fruits often survive peccary consumption, being dropped while eaten or surviving gut fermentation (Beck, 2005), eventually ending up trampled into the soil, providing a form of protection from insect seed predation (Silvius, 1999). Additionally, peccaries further aid seeds from insect predation as captive and field studies have both shown a dietary preference for seeds infested with larvae, likely for the added protein (Fragoso, 1994; Silvius, 2002). This insect predation by peccaries then acts as a mitigator to insect population increases and minimizes seed predators such as bruchid beetles’ impact on flora (Beck, 2006). 

In addition to peccaries ecological interactions with seeds, they further act as ecosystem architects through rooting and wallowing behaviors (Jones et al., 1997). Both of these behaviors disturb leaf litter and soil of which act as chemical and physical barriers to litter-gap dependent species and the establishment of small seeded plant species, ultimately increasing flora diversity as these plant species now have access to habitat previously inaccessible (Metcalfe, 1996; Metcalfe & Turner, 1998, Lambert et al., 2005). The disturbance of leaf litter has also been shown to expose various insects to predation from vertebrate insectivores, aiding in the control of arthropod populations (Michel et al., 2014). Additionally, peccary wallows are also known to become vital habitats for breeding amphibians (Zimmerman and Simberloff, 1996; Reider et al., 2013), so much so that some amphibian species have been observed to go locally extinct soon after peccaries have become extirpated from an area (Simberloff, 1992). 

4.1 Discussion

Large carnivores like jaguars and pumas serve as keystone species by providing ecological services of population management through direct predation, but also indirectly as food provisioners to scavengers (Wilmers et al., 2003). For this reason alone, jaguars and pumas act as a significant bioindicator for ecological health (Mora, 2017). Their presence demands a plethora of resources, ranging from abundant prey species to the vegetation and insects their prey species rely upon, to be largely intact. Their abilities to operate as ecosystem architects, sustaining balance and structure in local food chains, particularly in maintaining sustainable herbivory and mitigating the spread of zoonotic disease are soon felt upon their absence in an ecosystem (Terborgh, 1988; Terborgh et al., 2002; Estes et al., 2011; Ripple et al., 2016; Aguirre, 2017).

Tapirs’ abilities for long gut retention of seeds and ranging for long distances greatly aids in seed dispersal and in the diversification of flora amongst Neotropical forests (O’Farrill et al., 2013; Paolucci et al., 2018). This is particularly noticeable amongst large seeded (4-10cm in diameter) species of trees that once relied upon on the megafauna on the Pleistocene to disperse their seeds (Jansen et al., 2012). With these megafauna now absent, the tapir has taken up the role of long distance disperser of large seeds but is also aided by a much smaller mammal, the agouti (Jansen et al., 2012). While tapir latrines offer defecated seeds both fertilizer and protection from invertebrate parasites and seed predators (Fragoso 1997; Fragoso et al., 2003; O’Farril et al., 2013), they also provide agoutis access to seeds who then scatter-hoard their findings (Brewer & Rejmanek, 1999). While often dispersing seeds short distances as individuals, agoutis stealing from each others’ caches and re-caching the seeds elsewhere provide a species wide collective effort, functioning as a form of long distance seed dispersal as well (Smythe, 1989; Fragoso, 1997; Jansen & Forget, 2001; Haugaasen et al., 2010; Jansen et al., 2012). The combined efforts of tapirs and agoutis is clearly profound as they spread seeds of various sizes, diversifying both healthy and degraded forests (Silvius & Fragoso, 2003; Jansen et al., 2012; Paolucci et al., 2018). These combined efforts also favor arguments for reintroductions into areas where tapirs and agoutis have become extirpated as the loss of their ecological services has seen cascading effects in plant community structure, likely exacerbating global ecosystem services as early successional plant species over take dense wooded species that act as carbon sinks in these terrestrial mammal species’ absence (Bello et al., 2015; Kenup et al., 2018). Furthermore, tapirs and agoutis both have abilities to positively impact local economies through their seed dispersal services by promoting the establishment of various fruit species but also by acting as sources to bushmeat when hunted sustainably (Forget & Millerton, 1991; Taylor, 2000; Naidoo & Ricketts, 2006). 

The importance of peccaries functioning as ecosystem architects is particularly evident in their absence. When extirpated from a region, the quantity of uneaten seeds rises significantly and plant diversity becomes more uniform in this seed predators’ absence (Silman et al., 2003; Wyatt and Silman, 2004). Plant uniformity may also be exacerbated by the loss of herbivory and trampling services provided by the social peccary species (Beck, 2006). Furthermore, with the peccaries’ ability to trample small seeds, protecting them from invertebrate seed predators as well as actively consuming invertebrate seed predator larvae, the absence of peccaries can lead to a loss in flora biodiversity through invertebrate plant predator infestations (Fragoso, 1994; Silvius, 2002; Silvius, 1999; Beck, 2006). Peccary absence also acts as a significant loss to apex predators like jaguars and pumas who then have to adapt to a major lack in prey source as well as amphibians who use peccary wallows as breeding habitats, all of which may follow the peccaries in extirpation if unable to adjust (Zimmerman and Simberloff, 1996; Sowls, 1997; Aranda, 2002;  Reider et al., 2013). This loss can also be felt by humans as peccaries are important to the socio-economic status of humans living in forests due to peccaries acting as a provisional resource to meat and income (Bodmer et al., 1993; Stearman, 1992).

As jaguars, pumas, tapirs, agoutis, and peccaries act as keystone species to their ecosystem, the loss of their ecological interactions creates a significant threat to the ecosystem’s ability to function and remain structurally sound (Soule et al., 2003). Both the ecological and demographical extinction of these species can result in consequences that reach far and wide (Estes et al., 1989; Novaro et al., 2000) including the loss of biodiversity and the spread of zoonotic diseases (Jorge et al., 2013; Aguirre, 2017), making it imperative to effectively protect and monitor these populations. As these medium and large bodied terrestrial mammals are often cryptic in their nature and can live in challenging landscapes, trail cameras are optimal in gathering data to document species presence (Silver et al., 2004; Newey et al., 2015; Harmsen et al., 2017; Porfirio et al., 2018). While observing these species from firsthand accounts is rare, these devices offer a unique opportunity to document elusive species while preventing the habituation of animals to human presence (Borchers et al., 2014; Boyer-Ontl & Pruetz, 2014). Furthermore, collecting reliable population data on elusive species is needed to plan and implement proper conservation strategies in the practice (Nuñez-Pérez, 2011). Addiotionally, by engaging the local stakeholders who live amongst these neotropical species into conservation efforts, accurate knowledge can be learned, attitudes can change, and ecologically minded behaviors can develop through connections to wildlife species (Parsons et al., 2018) while collecting data can be made significantly less painstaking by recruiting and training local community members (Silver et al., 2004). By creating inclusive conservation programs, jaguars, pumas, tapirs, peccaries, agoutis, pacas, and more can survive largely in thanks to the people who live amongst these species, providing the ecosystem with their ecological services for generations to come.

5.1 Conclusions

Apex predators in the neotropics, such as jaguars and pumas, need abundant prey species to survive (Iriarte et al., 1990; Taber et al., 1997; Novack et al., 2005; Weckel et al., 2005; Jorge et al., 2013; Gutiérrez-González, 2017). Prey species like tapirs, agoutis, collared peccaries, and white lipped peccaries all aid in sustaining the large energy demands of these neotropical large felids as seasonal shifts occur (Novak et al., 2005; Weckel et al., 2006). Documenting the presence of these neotropical species assesses species richness and species density (Chetkiewicz et al., 2006; Boyd et al., 2007; Zanin et al., 2015) and further aids in the comprehensive assessment of ecological health by mapping species for their provided ecological services (Jorge et al., 2013). 

As apex predators keep a balance in prey species populations, the prey species’ negative ecological impacts are kept to a minimum while their positive ecological impacts flourish (Terborgh et al., 2002; Estes et al., 2011). In combination, these ecological services include herbivore population management, provisional resourcing to tertiary consumers, mitigating the spread of zoonotic diseases, nutrient cycling, balancing herbivory, promoting seed dispersal, seed predation balancing flora, fighting seed parasitism and predation from insects, creating habitat for other species of flora and fauna to thrive, promoting flora diversity, aiding in fruit tree propagation including species effective at carbon sequestration, as well as providing local human populations access to bushmeat. Each species mentioned in this paper has a role to play and an ideal ecosystem would have a complete inventory of its native species in balance with one another to provide these collective ecological services. With each missing species, a service is lost, thus altering a forest’s dynamics for the other surviving species to adjust to or if incapable of adjusting, to vanish from the local ecosystem.

Investigations into additional terrestrial mammal species would be beneficial as well to further analyze the impact brocket deer (Mazama), pacas (Cuniculus), armadillos (Daspodidae), coatimundis (Nasua nasua), and others, giving a more complete understanding of Neotropical ecological services provided. Collectively, the species mentioned in this paper can effectively act as indicators of ecological health through their sustained presence in a region. Long term studies via trail camera data collection as well as sociological interviews would be beneficial to analyze species presence to create and maintain an understanding of the species’ ecological value to both the ecosystems and to the local human populations. 


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Adam J. Dewey, Miami University - Global Field Program, M.A. Biology

Local Ecological Knowledge Interviews in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Provide Insights on Mammal Species Presence, Commonality, and Trends Over Time

1.0 Abstract

Conservation management decisions need to be based on research evidence but when scientific data gaps exist in regions, local ecological knowledge (LEK) surveys can initially aid in filling this information void. Through LEK interviews, data was collected on 36 mammal species in 46 rural communities in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon tracking presence-absence, commonality, and 10 year population trends in October and November of 2019. Through data analysis, a statistically significant difference exists in the number of species present when comparing communities near the city of Iquitos, Peru and the Maijuna-Kichwa Regional Conservation Area (MKRCA). Species with low relative frequencies included white-bellied spider monkeys, woolly monkeys, and pumas. Species with reported decreasing populations included jaguars, pumas, ocelots, gray brocket deer, red brocket deer, and white-bellied spider monkeys. With the combined relative frequency and population trend data, there is likely reason for concern with these species and possible measures to protect them may be needed to prevent local extirpation events.

2.0 Introduction

Often times investigating cryptic wildlife can be exceptionally rigorous and expensive to study (Turvey et al., 2015; Martiez-Marti et al., 2016). As objective evidence plays an important role in conservation management decisions, a lack of data can lead to delays in the conservation actions needed to protect threatened habitats and species (Groombridge et al., 2004). While most ecological field research is directly observed and collected by professional and student scientists, other options exist. Utilizing local ecological knowledge (LEK) from communities who regularly interact with the natural habitats around them can garner a wealth of ecological data, particularly when gaps in data are present (Burbidge et al., 1988; Newing, 2011).

As LEK has gained an increasingly favorable view as a source for conservation research in vertebrates (Jones et al., 2008; Turvey et al., 2014), LEK interviews and surveys have also provided an inexpensive alternative for gathering comparative data in large scale and challenging landscapes (Turvey et al., 2015; Martinez-Marti et al., 2016). Despite these favorable views, LEK data still does not carry the scientific validity that conservation research performed by professional scientists does within the academic community and LEK data must be accepted as having a degree of uncertainty (Caruso et al., 2017). Regardless of this uncertainty, LEK is not rendered useless as proper data collection and analytical procedures minimize potential uncertainties while providing novel understanding into the state of various wildlife species and the condition of their habitats (Meijaard et al., 2011).

LEK research projects have provided valued conservation insights in various mammal species across the planet including saola populations in southeast Asia (Turvey et al., 2015), felids, elephants, ungulates, and primates in Equatorial Guinea (Martinez-Marti et al., 2016), and jaguars in Nicaragua (Zeller et al., 2011). These few examples are amongst many other LEK interview research projects that have gathered large swaths of data that were previously absent while also complimenting other scientific projects like camera trap and faecal DNA studies. This tactic of collecting LEK data is particularly valuable in research situations covering massive landscapes like wildlife corridors, areas with little to no prior research, regions with challenging landscapes, projects with limited time frames, and projects where budgets are constrained (Zeller et al., 2011; Martinez-Marti et al., 2016). This LEK data can then be analyzed for simple presence-absence within habitats but also identify population declines, particularly significant declines or even localized extirpation events (Strayer, 1999).

Through LEK survey-interviews, this paper will investigate the difference in 36 mammal species’ (See Appendix 9.1) presence-absence, commonality, and ten year population trends amongst 46 communities participating in CONAPAC’s (Conservacion de la Natureleza Amazonica del Peru, A.C.) Adopt-A-School program. Additionally, communities near the city of Iquitos will be compared to those near the Maijuna-Kichwa Regional Conservation Area (MKRCA), a known hub for wildlife propagation and preservation. CONAPAC has operated as an NGO (non-governmental organization) in the Peruvian Amazon since 1990 when a group of teachers, forestry engineers, and employees of the travel-lodging company, Explorama, created the organization in response to logging and oil exploration threatening the primary forests east of Iquitos, Peru (CONAPAC, n.d.). The Maijuna-Kichwa Regional Conservation Area (391,039 ha) was formed in 2015 after a ten year long effort by the indeginous community to have their ancestral territories and the native biodiversity protected by the Peruvian government (Roncal et al., 2018). Iquitos, the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon is a local economic hub grounded in timber, fisheries, oil, and tourism, all of which have varying elements that conflict with conservation interests in the region (Swierk & Madigosky, 2014; Orta-Martinez et al., 2018).

Currently, there is minimal mammal species data for the communities outside of the MKRCA, particularly many in the Adopt-A-School program and gathering a baseline set of data can provide information to base future conservation management decisions upon as the distribution of mammals would be better understood (Pillay et al., 2011). Due to the MKRCA having the same mammal species tracked for this LEK survey documented scientifically except for the white-bellied spider monkey (Gilmore et al., 2010), I predict that there will be a statistically significant difference where more mammal species are present near the MKRCA compared to the heavily human populated city of Iquitos. Furthermore, as the connectivity of forest landscapes plays a significant role in wildlife dispersal and promoting genetic diversity (Young and Clarke, 2000), I also expect to see a flow of species meandering through the partnered communities' forests towards the city of Iquitos out of the MKRCA during the mapping component of the action plan.

3.0 Materials and Methods

Community-based field work was conducted in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon (See Appendix 9.2; 9.3) during the annual evaluations for CONAPAC and the Detroit Zoological Society’s Adopt-A-School program during a two week period in October and November of 2019. Of the 55 partnered communities in the Adopt-A-School program, 46 were surveyed for mammal species presence, commonality, and sighting comparisons over the past 10 years (2009-2019). 24 communities reside along the Amazon river while another 23 reside along the Napo river, 2 along the Manati river, another 2 along the Yanayacu river, and 4 more along the Ucayal river (to be analyzed at a later date). The survey interviews were administered by staff from CONAPAC, the Detroit Zoological Society, as well as volunteers from the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Education.

Data on the 36 mammal species was logged onto a survey (See Appendix 9.4) for easy data collection and to hold consistency across different survey administrators. This survey was accompanied by a statement providing the purpose of the study to prevent bias and garner participation from hunters and other individuals who would have an abundance of forest experience and knowledge to share. The survey included the species’ names in various overlapping regional dialects. Furthermore, to ensure accurate reporting, an animal ID card for the 36 mammal species surveyed was provided as a visual aid in identifying the different species present in the community forests. If an interviewer error of two checked boxes occurred in one category, no data would be collected for that species commonality and/or population trend. If this same error occurred in the presence-absence boxes, the species’ data would not be utilized by any means. When a community was not surveyed in 2019, 2018 data on presence/absence was utilized when available. Basic details on the community such as agricultural uses and mainland versus island community were also gathered.

This raw data was analyzed for various data sets. Presence-absence data was evaluated for relative frequency in the 46 surveyed communities. Data from 2019 was cross referenced to data from 2018 to analyze accuracy. Presence-absence data was then used within 16 communities - eight communities with the closest proximity to the city of Iquitos and eight communities with the closest proximity to the MKRCA to find statistical significance for these proximities and their role in the number of mammal species reported as present. This analysis utilized an unpaired t-test with an alpha value of 0.05. Furthermore, if mammal species were reported as present, they were then analyzed into reported commonalities that consisted of common, less common, rare, and absent categories and broken into different taxonomic groupings for ease (felidae, procyonidae, mustelidae, xenarthra, ungluta, rodentia, and primates). Population trend data reported by the 46 surveyed communities was also analyzed across all 36 mammal species. These data sets were then analyzed and graphed in Google Sheets and Excel.

4.0 Results

4.1 Statistical Analysis of Regional Influence on Mammal Species Presence

Two groupings of eight communities were broken into the categories of Iquitos and MKRCA communities and analyzed by an unpaired t-test. This tested confidence for the two community groupings’ proximity to their respective point of influence, the city of Iquitos and the MKRCA against the quantity of mammal species detected as present in those respective communities. The first grouping of eight communities were those in closest proximity to the city of Iquitos, Peru (General Merino, Las Palmas, Nuevo Triunfo C.A., Santa Maria de Fatima, Santa Victoria, Timicurillo, Timicuro I Zona, and Yanayacu Timicuro). The second grouping of eight communities were those in closest proximity to the MKRCA (Llachapa, Nueva Vida, Puerto Huaman, San Juan de Floresta, Santa Lucia, Sucusari, Urco Miraño, and Yurac Yacu Altura). Three of these communities are Maijuna communities bordering the MKRCA - Nueva Vida, Puerto Huaman, and Sucusari. An alpha of 0.05 was used to analyze the p-value of the t-tests. A p-value of 0.027 was obtained, rejecting the null hypothesis (no statistically significant difference) and thus showing the greater quantity of reported detection events in the MKRCA region than in the communities nearest to Iquitos to be statistically significant. This ultimately confirms my own hypothesis of proximity to the MKRCA playing a positive role in mammal species presence and proximity to the city of Iquitos having a negative role in mammal species presence.

4.2.1 Relative Frequency of Mammal Species

Relative frequency was utilized to show distribution for the 36 surveyed mammal species within the local environment of 46 communities (See Appendix 9.5). Three species were analyzed as having a frequency of < 0.500. These species include white-bellied spider monkeys (0.108), woolly monkeys (0.282), and pumas (0.347). Five species also had relative frequencies near 0.500 - green acouchis (0.511), margays (0.511), Brazilian tapirs (0.521), giant otters (.533), and monk saki monkeys (0.533). Ten species had relative frequencies of over 0.900 with one species reaching a relative frequency of 1.00 - kinkajou (0.911), saddleback tamarins (0.911), common squirrel monkeys (0.913), bicolor spined porcupines (0.913), nine-banded armadillos (0.913), tayras (0.934), brown-throated three toed sloths (0.934), tamanduas (0.955), capybaras (0.956), and Amazon river otters (1.00). The remaining 18 species had relative frequencies between 0.600 and 0.900. When relative frequency was further categorized into river systems (Amazon, Manati, Napo, and Yanayacu), two species were shown to only be reported as present in one river system. Pumas and white-bellied spider monkeys were only reported present along the Napo river communities (See Appendix 9.6; 9.7). Furthermore, 33 species showed relative frequencies for all four river systems and one species (wooly monkey) was present in three of the four river systems (Amazon, Manati, and Napo).

4.2.2 Reported Commonality of Species Detection Events

When species were reported present, their commonality was tracked into three main categories - common, less common, and rare (See Appendix 9.8). Absence was also utilized within graphs to aid the visualization of 100% of collected data. Of the 36 mammal species surveyed, 14 were reported as common in over 50% of community surveys (kinkajou, coatimundi, tayra, amazon river otter, brown-throated three toed sloth, tamandua, capybara, agouti, bicolor spined porcupine, common squirrel monkey, dusky titi monkey, saddleback tamarin, black-headed night monkey, and pygmy marmoset).

Data was also broken into different taxonomic classifications to see how species of similar evolutionary history may fair similarly or differently. When looking into the family felidae (See Appendix 9.9), jaguarundis were the most commonly seen species followed by ocelots, margays, jaguars, and lastly, pumas which were reported absent in 67.4% and rare in 23.2% of communities. Within the family procyonidae (See Appendix 9.10), both kinkajous and coatimundis were reported as commonly seen in over 50% of the communities. Furthermore, kinkajous were reported as as slightly more common than coatimundis. Of the mustelidae family (See Appendix 9.11) surveyed, tayras were the most common followed by the Amazon river otter. The giant otter was the least common of the mustelids with it being absent in 47.6% and rare in 16.6% of communities. Within the superorder xenarthra (See Appendix 9.12), brown-throated three toed sloths were reported as most common, respectively followed by tamanduas, nine-banded armadillos, Hoffmann’s two toed sloths, giant armadillos, and finally, giant anteaters. Giant armadillos were reported absent in 39.5% and rare in 25.5% of communities while giant anteaters were reported as being absent in 36.5% and rare in 24.3% of communities. Of the superorder ungulata (See Appendix 9.13), the collared peccary was reported as the most common followed by the white lipped peccary, tapir & red brocket deer, and finally the gray brocket deer. No single ungulate species was primarily reported as common, favoring reports of being less common, rare, or absent. Most notably, within surveyed communities, tapirs were reported absent in 50% of the time, white lipped peccaries were reported absent 39.5% of the time, red and gray brocket deer were reported absent 37.2% of the time each, and collared peccaries were reported absent 33.3% of the time. Within the order rodentia (See Appendix 9.14), agoutis, capybaras, and bicolored spined porcupines were the most common in this respective order. This was followed up by pacas and southern Amazon red squirrels favoring reports of being less common and the green acouchi favoring reports of absence in 51.1% of communities. For the order primate (See Appendix 9.15), saddleback tamarins were reported as most common followed by common squirrel monkeys, pygmy marmosets, black-headed night monkeys, and dusky titi monkeys. Red howler monkeys had equal reporting of common and less common detection events. The most notable data within primate commonality reporting pertains to white-bellied spider monkeys being absent in 95.3% of communities, woolly monkeys being absent in 74.4% of communities, and monk saki monkeys being absent in 45.2% of communities.

4.2.3 Mammal Species Population Trends Over the Past 10 Years as Reported by Community Members

When only analyzing communities that reported presence, population trends showed species as either increasing, stable, or decreasing (See Appendix 9.16). Of the species reported present, 25 were reported as increasing. These increasing populations included jaguarundis, tayras, kinkajous, coatimundis, giant otters, Amazon river otters, brown-throated three toed sloths, Hoffmann’s two toed sloths, tamanduas, nine-banded armadillos, collared peccaries, white-lipped peccaries, capybaras, agoutis, pacas, southern Amazon red squirrels, bicolor spined porcupines, green acouchis, common squirrel monkeys, red howler monkeys, dusky titi monkeys, saddleback tamarins, black-headed night monkeys, pygmy marmosets, and monk saki monkeys. Four present species were reported equally as increasing and stable - giant anteaters, giant armadillos, Brazilian tapirs, and woolly monkeys. Margays stood alone as the only present species most commonly reported as trending towards stable (without another categorical tie). The remaining six species had populations that were reported as decreasing - jaguars, pumas, ocelots, gray brocket deer, red brocket deer, and white-bellied spider monkeys. When factoring in absence, 15 species were most commonly reported with their population’s trend trending toward being absent - jaguars, pumas, margays, giant otters, giant anteaters, giant armadillos, Brazilian tapirs, collared peccaries, white-lipped peccaries, gray brocket deer, red brocket deer, green acouchis, white-bellied spider monkeys, woolly monkeys, and monk saki monkeys.

4.3 Agricultural Data

The presence of agricultural practices and the number of mammal species reported present in Adopt-A-School communities were correlated (See Appendix 9.17) to find if relationships were positive, negative, or if no relationship existed at all. Positive relationships between the number of mammal species present and the particular agricultural uses include - hunting, pigs, chickens, cattle, plantains, fish farms, wild caught fish, ducks, and corn in this respective order. It is important to note that no positive relationships surpassed a coefficient of 0.30 suggesting a weak positive relationship. Negative relationships included rice, beans, vegetables, fruits, and yuca. Similar to the positive relationships, no negative relationship surpassed a coefficient of -0.30 suggesting a weak negative relationship between the agricultural uses and presence of mammal species.

5.0 Discussion

The results of this LEK data collection on mammal species detection events provided extensive insights into the local population of mammals between Iquitos, Peru and the MKRCA. While it is difficult to validate without uncertainty, baseline data in Gilmore et al. (2010) provides a comparative set of information for what a healthy mammal ecosystem looks like in the region. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that this study is a representation of detection events reported by community members - many hunters, farmers, and/or local authorities who carry valuable LEK but are also human and prone to lapses in memory. Due to these uncertainties, this data should be utilized as complementary data to other scientific methodologies such as camera trap and faecal DNA studies.

5.1 Regional Insights

The p-value analyzing mammal presence near Iquitos and the MKRCA confirms a statistically significant difference between the present populations. Much of the credit for the greater quantity of reported mammal species in the MKRCA region should go to the Maijuna communities and their hard work getting their ancestral lands and native biodiversity federally protected. This is particularly evident as the three Maijuna Adopt-A-School communities bordering the MKRCA were among the communities with the highest reported presence of mammal species - Nueva Vida with 97.2% of species and both Puerto Huaman and Sucusari with 94.4% of species surveyed. Furthermore, this mirrors the research in Gilmore et al. (2010). It should also be noted that during the creation of the MKRCA, the Maijuna retained their rights to hunt on ancestral land (Roncal et al., 2018). With the MKRCA being a sanctuary for wildlife, it would be valuable for future studies to analyze hunting methods in Maijuna communities in comparison with those outside of the immediate MKRCA region to better understand the varying hunting pressures being applied to different mammal species.

5.2 Species of Concern

Interview data around carnivores should be used with caution due to the high potential for bias (Caruso et al., 2016). These biases may be due to various reasons ranging from the charisma of a particular species, to current humans wildlife conflict issues (Turvey et al., 2015), to the cryptic behaviors of carnivores adding the likelihood of false-negatives where they are reported as absent when possibly present (Caruso et al., 2016; Martinez-Marti et al., 2016). Regardless of these potential biases, according to this study’s collected data, pumas (relative frequency of 0.347) appear to be absent everywhere except along Napo river communities. This could likely be due to a lack of prey base (Miotto et al., 2011), habitat degradation and human wildlife conflicts (Weber & Rabinowitz, 1996), or false negative reporting (Turvey et al., 2015) in the other river system regions. Giant otters (relative frequency of 0.533) were reported absent from nearly half of all communities. In the past, giant river otters faced intense hunting pressures (Gilmore et al., 2010), likely due to human wildlife conflicts where communities retaliated for fishing competition (Lima et al., 2014). Gilmore et al. (2010) shares further concerns of contamination from oil extraction also impacting giant otters. Giant otters populations may still be recovering from these different human impacts today. White-bellied spider monkeys and woolly monkeys were absent from most communities surveyed with respective relative frequencies of 0.108 and 0.282. According to Gilmore et al. (2010), white-bellied spider monkeys have been found to be absent in the MKRCA. Furthermore, white-bellied spider monkeys were also found absent in the nearby Ampiyacu-Apayacu Regional Conservation Area (AARCA) (Montenegro and Escobedo, 2004). As the absence of this species is usually attributed to hunting pressures too intense for the species to thrive (Aquino & Encarnación, 2004; Emmons & Feer, 1997), the data from this study likely confirms this hunting pressure is still too much for the large bodied primate species to radiate outward. This is probably a similar situation for woolly monkeys too as their relatively large bodies also make them a desirable source of bushmeat (Di Fiore, 2004).

Gilmore et al. (2010) suggests that implementing controls on the hunting of species with low reproductive rates (i.e. Brazilain tapir, woolly monkey, red howler) would aid medium and large bodied mammal population recovery as well as protect vital seed dispersers in the local environment (Stevenson et al., 2002; Gilmore et al., 2010; Bueno et al., 2013; O’Farrill et al., 2013). This would also be beneficial for the gray and red brocket deer in order to protect their complementary ecological roles as seed dispersers (Bodmer, 1991) and as their population trends appear to be decreasing. These hunting controls may further indirectly aid the carnivore populations with decreasing trends as well. As the prey base for jaguars and pumas are protected, the apex predators can inhabit more territory while providing various ecological services like mitigating disease vectors and diversifying flora through controlling herbivorous prey populations (Terborgh, 1988; Terborgh et al., 2002; Estes et al., 2011; Ripple et al., 2016; Aguirre, 2017).

5.3 Future Studies

While data from 2019 was cross referenced to data from 2018 to analyze accuracy, providing a consistent rating that stood at 88.33%, additional layers could be taken to insure accuracy and mitigate bias in future studies. One added measure suggested by Zeller et al. (2011) and Petracca et al. (2017) is to vet out false-positive reports by providing a brief test of sorts, where the interviewee would first identify pictures and tracks of species to show reliability in their accurate identification of the species being researched. In this paper’s study, the animal ID card operated in a similar manner and aided in clarifying species with similar appearances like the ocelot and margay and/or those long extirpated in localized regions where local species names became interchangeable like with the amazon river otter (nutria) and the giant river otter (lobo del rio) in some communities. It may also be beneficial to include multiple hunter interviews per location to provide added cross referencing. Additionally, continuing LEK surveys in the years to come would monitor changes in species’ distribution and frequency over time.

This study will include data from four additional communities along the Ucayali river near the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Regional Conservation Area in the future.

6.0 Conclusions

While 28 mammal species have relative frequencies of over 0.600 and 25 mammal species have reported population trends as increasing, other species are not faring so well. With eight mammal species having relative frequencies of 0.533 or less - (white-bellied spider monkeys [0.108], woolly monkeys [0.282], pumas [0.347], green acouchis [0.511], margays [0.511], Brazilian tapirs [0.521], giant otters [.533], and monk saki monkeys [0.533]), and six species with populations reported as decreasing - (jaguars, pumas, ocelots, gray brocket deer, red brocket deer, and white-bellied spider monkeys), there is a reason for concern as many of these species play a significant ecological role as ecosystem architects through seed dispersal, population management, disease mitigation, and more. Scientific research into these populations would be beneficial to see if the LEK data aligns. With this scientific data, proper conservation management decisions could be put forth to protect the species of concern while incorporating the people who live amongst them. In the meantime, a focussed emphasis on the specific species of concern within education programing would aid in creating awareness of these issues and further cultivate sustainable minded attitudes and behaviors (Feilen et al., 2017).

7.0 Acknowledgements

I would like to thank every participating community member in the Adopt-A-School program that shared their local ecological knowledge, making this research project possible. Fieldwork assistance was made possible by CONAPAC and supporting volunteers in efforts to collect this data; Claire Lannoye-Hall, Curator of Education at the Detroit Zoological Society for continuing to support me in both my academic and professional endeavors. To the Miami University professors and fellow students for continued support in the design of this research project.

8.0 Citations

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9.0 Appendix

9.1 Basic Information for the 36 Neotropical Mammal Species Surveyed

Dewey 9.1 Basic Information for the 36 Neotropical Mammal Species Surveyed.png

9.2 Map of the Partnered Adopt-A-School Communities in the Peruvian Amazon Surveyed for Mammals Data

Dewey  9.2 Map of Partnered Communities.png

9.3 Communities in Adopt-A-School (Survey Year Data Used and Percent Accuracy from Prior Survey)

03 de Mayo (2019), 11 de Agosto - TBD Ucayali, 28 de Octubre (2019) .916, Auca Cocha (2019), Canada (2018), Canal Pinto (2019), Cedro Isla - TBD Ucayali, Centro Unido (2019) .722, General Merino (2019) .861, Jorge Chavez (2019), Juancho Playa (2019), Juventud Yarina (2019), Las Palmas (2019), Leon Isla (2019), Llachapa (2019), Los Invencibles (2019) .833, Manati I Zona (2019), Miraflores (2019), Nueva Esperanza (2019), Nueva York - TBD Ucayali, Nuevo San Juan del Amazonas (2019), Nuevo Triunfo (2019), Nuevo Triunfo C.A. (2019), Nuevo Uchiza (2019), Nueva Vida (2019), Primero de Enero (2019), Pucallpa (2019), Puerto Huaman (2019), Puerto Rico (2019), Ramon Castilla (2018), San Alejandro (2019), San Antonio de Miraño (2019), San Jose Parananpura - TBD Ucayali, San Juan De Floresta (2018), San Luis (2019), San Pedro de Manati (2019) .916, San Pedro de Mangua (2019), Santa Isabel (2019), Santa Lucia (2019), Santa Maria de Fatima (2019), Santa Victoria (2019), Sucusari (2019) 1.00, Suni Caño (2019), Timicurillo (2019) .722, Timicuro I (2019), Urco Miraño (2019), Yanayacu Timicuro (2019), Yanamono II (2019), Yarina Isla (2019), Yurac Yacu Altura (2019)

9.4 Survey Tool

Dewey 9.4a Survey Tool .png
Dewey 9.4b Survey Tool.png

9.5 Relative Frequency of Mammal Species Detected in 46 Northeast Peruvian Amazon Communities

Dewey 9.5 RF of  Mammals.png

9.6 Table of Relative Frequency of Mammal Species Presence for Communities Located on the Amazon, Napo, Yanayacu, and Manati River Systems

Dewey 9.6 Table of Relative Frequency of Mammal Species Presence for Communities Located on the Amazon, Napo, Yanayacu, and Manati River Systems.png

9.7 Scatter Plot Graph of Relative Frequency of Mammal Species Presence for Communities Located on the Amazon, Napo, Yanayacu, and Manati River Systems

Dewey 9.7 Scatter Plot Graph of Relative Frequency of Mammal Species Presence for Communities Located on the Amazon, Napo, Yanayacu, and Manati River Systems.png

9.8 Reported Commonality of Mammal Species Detection Events (Presence)

Dewey 9.8 Reported Commonality of Mammal Species Detection Events (Presence).png

9.9 Reported Commonality of Felidae Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.9 Reported Commonality of Felidae Species Detection Events.png

9.10 Reported Commonality of Procyonidae Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.10 Reported Commonality of Dewey Procyonidae Species Detection Events.png

9.11 Reported Commonality of Mustelidae Detection Events

Dewey 9.11 Reported Commonality of Mustelidae Detection Events.png

9.12 Reported Commonality of Xenarthra Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.12 Reported Commonality of Xenarthra Species Detection Events.png

9.13 Reported Commonality of Ungulata Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.13 Reported Commonality of Ungulata Species Detection Events.png

9.14 Reported Commonality of Rodentia Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.14 Reported Commonality of Rodentia Species Detection Events.png

9.15 Reported Commonality of Primate Species Detection Events

Dewey 9.15 Reported Commonality of Primate Species Detection Events.png

9.16 Mammal Species Population Trends Over the Past 10 Years as Reported by Community Members

Dewey 9.16 Mammal Species Population Trends Over the Past 10 Years as Reported by Community Members.png

9.17 Correlations Between the Presence of Agricultural Practices and the Quantity of Species Reported Present in Surveyed Communities

Dewey 9.17 Correlations Between the Presence of Agricultural Practices and the Quantity of Species Reported Present in Surveyed Communities.png

Design Elements within Community-Based Conservation Education Programs and Their Ability to Change Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors


As community-based conservation is a popular method to achieve both conservation and community development goals, including education within this method would be beneficial to both communities and the conservation organizations aiming to preserve various ecosystems. While one off, traditional field trip methods have been observed to increase knowledge, they lack the effectivity to change attitudes and behaviors. Conservation organizations involved in community-based conservation education programs should develop long-term or repeat exposure opportunities in efforts to build personal connections with students and community members while simultaneously allowing students more time to comprehend the ecological information they are learning about. Additionally, overtime the student’s experiences from meaningful environmental education leads to personal connections with the environment and wildlife, ultimately shaping new attitudes and developing sustainable behaviors. By developing social capital this way, community-based conservation programs can ultimately improve the chances for communities to function effectively within the environment.

1. Introduction

As the planet’s ecosystems and wildlife come into ever growing conflict with human interests, it is essential that conservationists find ways to meaningfully connect people with their environments. Community-based conservation is an avenue to do this as conservation and developmental goals can be intertwined and achieved simultaneously working within the cultural context (Souto et al., 2014, Waylen et al., 2010). Involving local citizens through community-based conservation and providing educational programs to increase their involvement in conservation shows strong potential to develop knowledge of the situation at hand (Pádua et al., 2002). When programs are well-designed, they can often lead to changed attitudes and the reduction of negative environmental impacts through behavioral modifications (UNESCO, 1978). Additionally, with the limited financial resources conservation focused non-governmental organizations are faced with, partnering with schools and community educators to utilize the prioritized financial investment education receives can be an effective strategy in creating conservation-minded citizenry and saving on cost within their own organization (McCarthy et al., 2012). As examples of educational programming within community based conservation programs are analyzed in this paper, different program design characteristics are shown to be the primary cause to both their successes and failures.

2. Community Based Conservation Education

Often in education, knowledge development is a primary focus although this does very little to ultimately change environmental behaviors (McKenzie-Mohr, 2012). Creating awareness is a key first step but more importantly, changing attitudes and behaviors are the vital follow-up steps that make significant impacts for conservation programs. As attitudes shift the value of an animal or ecosystem, this can then lead to a behavioral change where protection or limited use becomes a priority (Feilen et al., 2017). Unfortunately, this is not always the the result of such environmental education programs.

2.1 Limitations of Traditional Field Trip Methods 

A study performed by Burnett, et al. (2015) investigated the impacts on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward conservation before and after school visits to Serra Malagueta Natural Park on Santiago Island. This program provides a presentation on the history and biodiversity of the park as well as reasons for conserving it. Students then visit an exhibition room displaying information about flora and fauna of the park. A visit to a plant nursery to learn about native plant life is further provided before setting out on trails with a park guide. This program fits the model of a “field trip” where students visit a unique place short term to compliment their classroom learning while the park aims to provide conservation messaging in hopes to change attitudes and behaviors. The follow up evaluation to this environmental education program discussed by Burnett et al. (2015) showed that knowledge was significantly increased due to the visit but that attitudes were not significantly impacted and that there was no impact on behavioral changes at all. 

This style of visit mirrors those that many schools take to zoos and other science organizations in the United States. These schools may have several hours in a zoo, nature preserve, conservation organization, or nature center, complemented by some educational programming provided by the organization or institution staff. Students are often at ease when learning in informal environments where different learning styles are utilized and competition is not as readily implemented into activities (Rennie, 2007). Additionally, cognitive and affective learning take place on field trips that emphasize the use of process skills (Storksdieck et al., 2007), allowing students that participate to develop positive attitudes toward the subject matter (Behrendt & Franklin, 2014; Dittrick, 2003). These field trips complement classroom learning as students engage prior knowledge (Orr, 1992) and test theoretical knowledge (Wilson, 1998). The use of constructivist education in field trips allows students to understand the world through experiences and reflect upon them (Gennaro, 1995; Orion & Hofstein, 1994) then creating the opportunity for environmental awareness and sustainable consciousness (Güler, 2013). Pre and post evaluation of programs like these field trips as well as the previous stated example in Serra Malagueta Natural Park show knowledge of conservation actions is often significantly increased, even with studies monitoring long term retained knowledge (Jensen, et al. 2017, Moss, et al.  2014). Despite knowledge increasing awareness, numerous studies show that the use of this knowledge deficit model alone is not an effective strategy in developing pro-conservation minded behaviors in citizens (Schultz, 2002). Attitudes and behaviors must be changed as well.

2.2 Influence of Repeat Exposure and Long Term Programming

When investigating knowledge and attitudes of Rupununi children in Guyana, Mulder et al. (2009) found that repeated exposure to conservation programs was a primary factor in changing attitudes centered around wildlife. This was done by providing biodiversity oriented curriculum and training through workshops to teachers as well as having visits to zoos or visits from conservation organizations into the communities. While most of the Rupununi students showed increased knowledge and positive attitudes toward wildlife after the environmental education programming ended, their attitudes towards resource use was surprisingly tolerant of hunting, exotic pet trade, selling of timber, and mining. This finding introduces another important factor and variable, where project design must incorporate community characteristics (Brooks et al., 2012). As the Rupununi have culturally relied upon hunting for protein sustenance and indigenous communities look to control their land and traditional economies in effort to find identity and self-governance, it can be seen how negative environmental attitudes can coexist and contradict the positive environmental attitudes of the very same students (Mulder et al., 2009). Working within this community's local culture becomes vital to the success of the conservation program as breaking their societal norms and traditions can create resistance. Additionally, if their land use strategies are ecologically sustainable, there is no reason to attempt to change these attitudes. Despite these community factors, the repeat visits increased the likelihood of accepting the ecological threats in over harvesting, particularly when they became permanently represented in a community over time. This was shown through Rupununi students participating in wildlife clubs and their attitudes shifting away from hunting and visits by conservation organizations reducing student approval for slash and burn techniques (Mulder et al., 2009). 

Feilen et al. (2017) found similar results with Proyecto Titi in Colombia and their CARTILLA program where 90 minute, interactive lessons were taught by conservation professionals every week for ten weeks in rural Colombian communities as well as in the four week long TITI KIDS. The CARTILLA program showed significant increase in knowledge centered around cotton-top tamarins and their conservation issues but more importantly, additional evaluation five years after program participation showed positive attitudes towards conservation still remained and behaviors were changed. Former participants reported efforts like conserving water and firewood and also a significant reduction in keeping primates as household pets. 95% of these participants also stated the long term program positively impacted their lives by educating them about the critically endangered tamarins, the forest, and how their personal behaviors impact the ecosystem (Feilen et al., 2017). TITI KIDS also saw these same results with “increased...understanding of the relationship between humans and animals,” and the “consequences of living with wild animals” through lessons teaching primary aged students the differences between domestic and wild species (Feilen et al., 2017). When discussing the relationship humans have with wildlife and the consequences of living with wildlife, attitudes were shown to have shifted from 50% anthropocentric (i.e. the wild animal would hurt someone, the animal would damage their belongings) explanations during pre-assessment down to 6.2% anthropocentric explanations during post-assessment in favor of 96.8% biocentric explanations (i.e. the wild animal would become ill, the animal would miss their family, the animal won’t have access to their natural diet) (Feilen et al., 2017).

2.3 Importance of Personal Connections to Animals and Nature

Student experience with domesticated animals was shown to significantly increase positive attitudes towards wildlife within the Proyecto Titi study (Feilen et al., 2017). Personal feelings towards companion animals are often described as feelings of love. These feelings then can be branched to other species, possibly even those very different from the companion animal itself (Kellert, 1996). This suggests personal relationships with pets translate into connections with wild animals, increasing the likelihood for behavioral modifications within conservation (Mulder et al., 2009). Kwan et al. (2017) further implicates the power direct relationships with animals have on conservation through a long-term education program in Hong Kong where students raised juvenile horseshoe crabs in secondary schools. After the year long program, student apathy towards the species fell while environmental attitudes and conservation behaviors were significantly improved. As these students developed personal attachment to the horseshoe crabs, they also noted an increased sense of responsibility and enhanced self-confidence from presenting and developing public speaking skills. 

This personal connection can also be developed through storybooks like those created by the Ako Project in Madagascar. This project created a series of stories centered around various lemur species, showing their life and the anthropogenic challenges they face through the perspective of a lemur. Half of this program’s participants reported increased understanding of the species and of the importance of wildlife (Dolins et al., 2009). Proyecto Titi in Colombia also used this strategy showing life through the perspective of a cotton-top tamarin to primary aged students. The student’s shift from anthropocentric to biocentric understanding showed great power that storytelling can provide in creating emotional connections to nature (Feilen et al., 2017; Schultz, 2000). 

Citizen science programs have also shown an ability to develop personal connections to various issues. By including the citizens as stakeholders, these participants become more scientifically literate, develop increased public knowledge, and show increased concern for human impact and government effectiveness around environmenmental issues (Conrad & Hilchey, 2010). The public accessibility to programs like these has in turn democratized the environment, increasing community trust, harmony, and cooperation (Sultana & Abeyasekera, 2008). 

Mulder et al. (2009) also provides additional insight into this personal connection with animals and nature.  Non-threatening species that were fairly common to see such as the cock of the rock, macaw, and toucan received at least 90% of Rupununi student approval for protection while dangerous or hard to see species like jaguars, tarantulas, and bullet ants received far less approval for protection. Through this perceived danger, the students were less likely to care about the “dangerous” species. These fears can grow into irrational extremes and possibly lead to the persecution of species or the destruction of habitats (Kellert, 1996). Developing personal connections through storytelling and lessons could change these perceptions much to the same way they had for lemurs and tamarins. For example, the Belize Zoo has taken up efforts like this to aid in the preservation of Belize’s diverse wildlife through conservation outreach programs into schools, sharing animal personalities, utilizing scholarship programs to bring rural students to the zoo to see animals up close, broadcasting radio programs, and also creating children’s books such as Hoodwink the Owl to connect children to native wildlife (Coc et al., 1980). 

3. Discussion and Conclusion

Environmental education programs within all community based conservation programs aim to increase knowledge but only the programs that change behaviors will have a direct and positive impact on the species and ecosystems they aim to protect (Feilen et al., 2017). When looking into environmental education programs, mixed results are often shown. Knowledge and attitudinal changes are the most commonly evaluated factors while behavioral changes are the least commonly evaluated (Munro et al., 2008). This can likely be due to the long term analysis needed to understand behavioral changes. Despite challenges of attrition in long term follow up evaluations, these valuable studies have the ability to collect important data to better understand how programming impacted behaviors as well as knowledge and attitudes over the course of months, years, or even decades. Community-based conservation programs over the twelve years of age have been found to be significantly more synergistic than younger programs (Brooks, 2017). This is likely due in part to both formative and long term evaluations. This is further supported by Norris & Jacobson, (1998) where both follow up and formative evaluations used in monitoring programs maximized successes within environmental education programs. While follow up evaluations show long term impact and determine behavioral change effectivity, formative evaluation analyzes the currently existing pedagogy within the program. This allows opportunities to make near immediate adjustments to improve possibly faltering or failing techniques and lessons that may be doing little to grow knowledge or change attitudes and behaviors.  

The impact that personal connections make for individuals can be powerful if utilized properly with environmental programs. The Ako Project (Dolins et al., 2009) and Proyecto Titi (Feilen et al., 2017) both show that by storytelling through the perspective of threatened species effectively creates personal connections by touching upon student emotions which result in attitudinal shifts. Additionally, direct interactions with animals have a powerful influence in creating personal connections with wildlife. When these interactions are done so programmatically as discussed in Kwan et al. (2017), students given the responsibility for horseshoe crabs, or nearly any animal for that matter, can translate into stewardship attitudes and behaviors. Whenever it is possible to include the raising, caring, and/or studying of a non-human animal in a humane manner, the opportunity should be taken to increase knowledge, change attitudes, and improve behaviors. Additional opportunities to foster connections can further be explored in currently existing citizen science programs or reaching out to develop partnerships between schools and environmental organizations in effort to compliment curriculum standards and empower youth with sustainable decision making abilities. 

Norris & Jacobson, (1998) found a striking observation that shows programs with long term engagement with communities for three years or more have twice the likelihood for success than those operating less than three years. While program length correlates with the success of a program according to the analysis of educational programming by Feilen et al. (2017), Kwan et al. (2016), Norris & Jacobson, (1998), and Wolins et al. (1992), it is not clear if duration or the opportunity for multiple assessments is the cause of this relationship (Munro et al., 2008, Stake, 2011). Regardless of the cause, either favors the need for long term program partnerships. These could come from classroom/school partnerships with conservation organizations, local zoos, nature centers, parks, and so on, where teachers and students have repeat exposure to learning from conservation science professionals in meaningful ways. Effectively designed partnerships that allow collaborative efforts between environmental professionals, teachers and students over time can develop successful joint efforts in conservation (Mattei et al., 2015). This mutually beneficial relationship can even help scientists garner long-term data on their topics of interest while educating and empowering citizens through meaningful work to resolve issues within their communities (Brewer, 2002). By increasing and improving citizen knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in regards to the environment, educational programs have an opportunity to develop a social capital and ultimately improve the chances for their community to function effectively within the environment. 

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Adam J. Dewey, Miami University - Global Field Program, M.A. Biology - Nov. 20, 2019

An Investigation Into Camera Trap Study Success Factors

1. Abstract

Camera traps have become a popular method for obtaining information on wildlife species. With the ever growing amounts of studies being performed with this ever adapting technology, it is important to document trends to find applications for their successes in obtaining primary data. These factors will vary depending on landscape, species of interest, and budgets. Researchers need to assess these factors and adapt an implementation plan accordingly. When landscapes are particularly challenging, utilizing transect lines is an effective strategy to obtain primary data on wildlife presence and were found to consist of 40% of the 40 individual camera trap studies analyzed. With species in low density, utilizing a grid system across a species’ known home range size increases probability of high capture rates and were found to consist of 30% of the analyzed studies. In areas of high species density, utilizing fixed stations placed in optimal locations can provide enough cover to obtain bountiful primary data and were shown to make up 27.5% of the analyzed studies. These distribution methods in correlation with a research budget will then determine whether enough camera traps can be purchased to cover each camera trap station or if rotating fewer cameras is ideal to maximize successful data collection. Budget constraints limit the number of camera traps in use, with 42.5% of studies using between 1-25 camera traps and 77.5% of studies using less than 50 camera traps. Furthermore, budget constraints may limit the length of study. Of the analyzed camera trap studies, 57.5% favored lengths up to half a year. Capturing local engagement through citizen science is one way to limit budgetary expense as it can provide field support as well as data analysis support. Additionally, citizen science can further support the goals of conservation by growing ecological knowledge and developing sustainable attitudes and behaviors. 

2. Introduction

Camera traps are seen as an ideal method to obtain wildlife population data for their ability to document secretive species ranging from carnivores to herbivores in unruly terrain (Silver, S., 2004; Newey et al., 2015; Harmsen et al., 2017; Parsons et al., 2018; Porfirio et al., 2018) and for their ability to prevent animal habituation to humans (Borchers et al.; 2014, Boyer-Ontl, 2014).  With apex predators needing various sized prey species (Iriarte et al., 1990; Taber et al., 1997; Gutiérrez-González, 2017), documenting these prey species as well as the predators themselves can aid in evaluating forest biodiversity, wildlife density, and estimates on populations (Chetkiewicz et al., 2006; Boyd et al., 2007; Zanin et al., 2015). Depending on the location, habitat, species of interest, a variety of methods need to be considered. This literature review will investigate various factors in camera trap studies that play a role in their successes in obtaining primary data. 

It is also vital to gain the support of the local stakeholders. By involving them in conserving their forests and documenting the species that live within them, they will simultaneously be developing personal connections to the species through their work as citizen scientists (Parsons et al., 2018). Furthermore, conservationists need accurate population estimates across different habitats in effort to take the best plan of action to protect wildlife species, all of which, can be made far easier by recruiting local volunteers (Silver, 2004). By intertwining these two concepts, local knowledge can grow while attitudes and behaviors change to favor sustainability (Parsons et al., 2018). This literature review will also investigate information on the use of camera traps within citizen science programs to aid in conservation research and developing sustainable attitudes and behaviors towards wildlife while minimizing negative cultural and ecological impact. 


3. Methods

My primary methodology was to perform a literature review on peer reviewed publications centered around the use of camera traps to document wildlife presence. Data from 40 individual camera trap studies within 18 peer reviewed publications* was compiled into categories like the number of camera traps used, the quantity of camera trap stations, the length of study, the camera trap distribution methods, the distance of camera traps, the height a camera is set up, as well as various specs of popular research camera trap models still in production as of 2018 in effort to identify how different wildlife conservation projects manage camera trap programs to maximize their successes. This data was further broken down to find trends in the frequency of methodologies across different camera trap studies and to discover any possible connections. 

*See Works Cited


4. Results 

4.1 Review of Field Studies

Within the 40 individual camera trap studies, the species of interest included large and small felids, bears, various African mammals, scavengers, terrestrial vertebrates, various small carnivores, forest ungulates, and more. These studies also varied in locations - Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, and the United States. Habitats included tropical broadleaf forests, temperate deciduous forests, savannas, a zoological park, and a college campus. The designs of these camera trap studies varied depending on scale, location, and species of interest.  

Each study commonly defined each camera trap station as a single location where one or two camera traps were set up in order to investigate wildlife. These stations were then a part of a larger network of multiple stations. The quantity of camera stations used in these studies ranged between 3 and 225 (N = 1,537, mean = 38.43, median = 25, mode = 8). 52.5% of the studies used between 1-25 stations, 27.5% used between 26-50 stations, 10% used between 51-75 stations, 2.5% used between 76-100 stations, 2.5% used between 101-125 stations, and 5% used between 201-225 stations. Each station had one or two camera traps set up depending on the species of interest and the camera trap distribution. The studies ranged between 5 and 225 camera traps (N = 1,529, mean = 38.23, median = 34.5, mode = 8). 42.5% of studies used between 1-25 cameras, 35% used between 26-50 cameras, 10% used between 51-75 cameras, 7.5% used between 76-100 cameras, 2.5% used between 126-150 cameras, and 2.5% used between 201-225 cameras. 

The camera trap studies were further analyzed by their length of study measured in number of days camera traps were in the field. Of the 40 individual camera trap studies, the maximum length was 1,305 days and the minimum length was 5 days (N = 11,402, mean = 285.05, median = 144, mode = 365). Of these studies, 57.5% were up to half a year in length (183 days). 22.5% were a full year in length. And lastly, 17.5% were multi year investigations. The maximum of 1,305 days of camera traps in the field came from an extended 14 year long study in Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize (Harmsen et al., 2017).

Camera distribution methods also varied between studies. These methods were broken down into the following categories:

Locked Grid System: A grid of x number of cameras laid out across a squared parcel of land with cameras evenly spaced out at a specified distance from each other. Each camera trap grid point has its own camera trap (or two) that will stay in this location the entire time or be replaced if stolen or damaged. These grid systems often allow a certain distance within each central grid point to deviate from so that camera traps may be tied to optimal sized trees or near optimized settings like salt licks, water sources, game trails or more.  

Rotating Grid System: A grid of x number of cameras laid out across a squared parcel of land with cameras evenly spaced out at a specified distance from each other. Each camera trap grid point will have a camera trap (or two) that will rotate through at consistent, designated intervals to save on cost of equipment. These grid systems often allow a certain distance within each central grid point to deviate from so that camera traps may be tied to optimal sized trees or near optimized settings like salt licks, water sources, game trails or more.  

Locked Fixed Stations: Camera trap stations are chosen for optimal animal locations and will be locked in as permanent camera trap sites for the remainder of the study. Each locked station will have its own camera trap (or two) that will stay in this location the entire time or be replaced if stolen or damaged. 

Rotating Fixed Stations: Camera trap stations are chosen for optimal animal locations and will have camera traps rotated through at consistent, designated intervals to save on cost of equipment.

Locked Transect Lines: Camera trap stations are chosen in straight lines or along winding trails. Each station point will have its own camera trap (or two), spaced out at consistent distances and will stay in this location the entire time or be replaced if stolen or damaged.

Rotating Randomly Selected Locations: Camera traps are provided to volunteers that randomly rotate cameras on their property. 

The analysis of these 40 camera trap studies provided data showing that 40% of the studies preferred the use of locked transect lines. Grid systems were also highly favored, comprising a total of 30% of the studies with a total of 25% being locked and 5% rotating cameras. Fixed stations were nearly equally favored as grid systems making up 27.5% of the studies with a total of 12.5% locked and 15% rotating cameras. The least favored distribution method was rotating randomly selected locations at just 2.5%. Out of the 40 camera trap studies, 31 provided information on the distance between cameras. The maximum was 5,000 meters, the minimum was 193 meters, with a mean of 1,252.63 meters. Furthermore, 21 of the studies provided information on the height camera traps were set at. These heights ranged from 10 cm to 70 cm depending on the species of interest but had a mean of 56.25 cm (median = 62.5, mode = 70).


4.2 Review of Camera Trap Specs

In addition to analyzing field studies, I organized various camera trap models still in production as of 2018, cited by the 40 individual camera trap studies* as well as a survey compiled by Utter (2018). See Table 1.0 below.

Table 1.0 - Specs** for popular camera trap models used in wildlife research studies 

Table 1.0 Camera Trap Specs.png

*See Works Cited

**All data sourced from (2018).


The present day inventory of camera traps provides an array of options, most providing infrared sensors (IR) (Swann et al., 2011). IR sensors are most ideal as they are triggered by sudden temperature changes and aid in preventing false positives (photo without animal) (Swann et al., 2004; Welbourne et al., 2016) while also preventing the likelihood of spooking certain species with an LED flash (Meek et al., 2016). Furthermore, by locking an IR flash camera trap in night mode, rosettes and spots can be seen on melanistic animals like leopards and jaguars, allowing individual identification (Hedges et al., 2015). Despite these benefits, they are still not immune to false positives. IR sensors may accidentally be triggered by raindrops, wind moving vegetation, or sunlight entering the detection zone (Swann et al., 2004; Welbourne et al., 2016). Another factor to consider is the detection zone as false negatives (animal is not photographed) can prevent collection of data. Factoring in a camera trap’s detection zone can limit these false negatives by selecting models with larger sensors (Rowcliffe, 2008).

5. Discussion

When starting a camera trap study, budget becomes the first factor one must consider. This will determine the quality as well as the number of camera traps you can purchase. This is the primary reason my data shows 42.5% of studies used 25 or less camera traps and why 77.5% used 50 or less camera traps. While Newey et al. (2015) recommends purchasing higher end camera traps to mitigate potential issues with sensors, settings, and general equipment failure overtime, it is noted that many mid-range models can provide enough options to be effective. Detection rates often vary greatly between camera trap models (Meek & Pittet, 2012; Meek et al., 2012; Glen et al., 2013) but ensuring the ability to cover the study area is also important (Ancrenaz et al., 2012). With prices ranging from $80 to $600 US (Ancrenaz et al., 2012), a researcher must heavily research the hundreds of camera trap models available for purchase before committing to any model type. It may even be worth reaching out to colleagues in the field for personal opinions or to even borrow camera traps to test at home to see how the settings match your own needs. In addition to camera trap costs, it is crucial to factor in a well rounded budget for batteries as infrared flash and video settings can often drain the battery life and may need to be replaced every 2-6 weeks, especially in colder environments (Newey et al., 2015). With the combined costs adding up, Silver, (2004) and Parsons et al., (2018) suggest that using fewer cameras in a rotating system can reduce this expense but will inversely increase the effort. A combined 22.5% of studies analyzed used rotation methods to save on cost in comparison to locked methods comprising of 77.5%. It is crucial to note that despite these percentages contrasting greatly with Silver, (2004) and Parsons et al., (2018), only 5 individual locked method studies, or 12.5%, surpassed using 50 camera traps or more, continuing to minimize their budgetary expenses. 

While setting up cameras, one camera per site may suffice if you are looking to obtain data on species without unique markings (Edelman & Edelman, 2017; Parsons et al., 2018) but for species with unique patterns on their fur such as jaguars or tigers, setting up two cameras with opposite views of each other will have the ability to document both sides of the individual animal and give you well rounded data to identify individuals into the future (Silver, 2004; Harmsen et al., 2017). When it comes to choosing the sites, grids are often recommended across an animal’s home range, particularly species that live in low density, (Silver, 2004; Ancrenaz et al., 2012; Harmsen et al., 2017) to increase the probability of success while removing random variables or bias. My investigation showed grid systems comprising 30% of the studies. As this method has the potential to cover large parcels of land, it can require many cameras if utilized in a locked grid system method which may constrain the commonality of this methodology. Silver, (2004) provides further detail into setting up camera traps no more than 100m from the prescribed camera trap station location. This allows for varied camera trap set up with the differences in tree width, vegetation interference on the sensor, but also for selecting optimal settings for trigger events. Ultimately, knowing the species of interest’s prefered comforts will increase the likelihood of receiving positive trigger events. For example, by setting up along game trails, man-made trails, open roads, overgrown logging roads, salt licks, river or stream beds, or at seasonal ponds within an animal’s habitat, you will greatly increase your odds of photographing the species (Silver, 2004; Edelman & Edelman, 2017; Harmsen et al., 2017; Parsons et al., 2018). My data further recommends this methodology as 77.5% of the studies used locked and/or fixed locations that all allowed for optimal habitat use within a designated distance from the grid points center. With only 2.5% of studies using rotating random locations, this is likely due to the low capture rate and probability (Tobler & Powell, 2013). To further increase the odds of positive trigger events (photo of animal) and minimize false positives (i.e. image capture of vegetation movement from wind), Parsons et al., (2018) recommends setting a camera trap up 40cm from the ground, tied around a tree but to remain cautious of the camera’s sensitivity settings as they can vary and often be overly sensitive, resulting in mass data collection of false positives as well as dead batteries. These recommendations will vary from study to study as species of interest change. For example, Glen et al., (2013) recommends 10 cm when investigating small mammals and turning sensitivity settings on high to catch the small mammals movements. In other situations, a height of 75 cm with lower sensitivity settings was recommended for taller species (Rowcliffe, 2008). 

Site checks refer to collecting the data stored on the memory cards, replacing batteries, and/or replacing entire camera trap units if need be. Back when camera trap data was recorded on film, site checks were needed anywhere from every 4-14 days (Silver, 2004) but with the digital camera traps of today, it is best to limit site checks to once per month or longer if possible, to limit the contamination of the camera traps with the human scent as it can act as a deterrent to certain wildlife species if visited too often (Parsons et al., 2018). Of course this can vary from species to species as with Edelman & Edelman (2017), the study took place on college campuses to study species that are fairly habituated to the human landscape. This would vary greatly from species far more precautious of humans like wild felids, canids, or herbivores often hunted by humans. While collecting the camera traps’ mass amounts of photographic data, it can become overwhelming and will be crucial to have reliable large file storage and backup hard drives to analyze back in the office (Harris et al., 2010; Sundaresan et al., 2011; Hamel et al., 2013). 

With the large amounts of unbiased and ecologically valuable data recorded by the camera traps (Meek & Pittet, 2012; Burton et al., 2015; Meek et al., 2015), analysis will need to remain a priority as falling behind on the ever growing photographic data is likely to occur (Sundaresan et al., 2011; Newey et al., 2015). This analysis may be made easier by the use of software like eMammal (Parsons et al., 2018), CAPTURE (Silver, 2004, Janecka et al., 2011), CameraBase (Williams et al., 2018), EXIFPRO (Meek et al., 2016), Galaxy Zoo (Shiel et al., 2013),  PhotoSpread (Sundaresan et al., 2011) Zooniverse (Swanson et al., 2015), CamTrapR, WildID, Hotspotter, Excel, DigiCam, MapView, and Wildlife Insights (Utter, 2018) that can help to categorize the species photographed and pull and sort data that includes capture/recapture, daily faunal detection and inventory, detection/non-daily detection per species for occupancy modeling, relative activity per species, habitat association, abundance and density estimations, as well as various species specific studies (Silver, 2004; Edelman & Edelman, 2017; Parsons et al., 2018). With the large effort camera trap studies undertake and the mass amounts of collected data at hand, Brewer, (2002), Edelman & Edelman, (2017), and Margurran et al., (2010) state that recruiting citizen scientist volunteers and developing mutually beneficial relationships can aid conservation scientists in collecting, managing and processing data for long-term studies into local ecologies while simultaneously empowering citizen scientists through meaningful work. Platforms such as eMammal already offer the possibilities for classrooms to participate in camera trap studies (McShea et al., 2016). Furthermore, this provides the citizen scientists with knowledge growth and personal experience to make better decisions and resolve ecological issues within their communities (Reed et al., 2013).   

As citizen science programs have opportunities to create connections to different ecological issues, recruiting and training local community members and/or students is a great opportunity to create environmental awareness in a region (Swann and Perkins, 2014). By including the locals, participants have an opportunity to grow their scientific literacy, further increasing public knowledge, and developing concern for human impact on ecological issues (Conrad & Hilchey, 2010). This is due to providing the local citizen scientists with ownership of their work which in turn creates motivation, engagement, and ultimately a sense of achievement in conservation science (Evans et al., 2005; Jordan et al., 2011; Forrester et al., 2016; Edelman & Edelman, 2017). Parsons et al., (2018) has found that including volunteers through citizen science created knowledge in natural systems, created awareness of the species they live amongst, encouraged human behaviors to adapt, further reducing risk of human wildlife conflict, and made them feel more connected to science in general. Additionally, they observed that students with varied abilities were able to participate and grow. For example, the use of camera traps aided the development of verbal skills for a college student-citizen scientist with autism. By developing ecological knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in local stakeholders, camera trap programs have an ability to create social capital and increase opportunities for their community to live harmoniously within the ecosystem. 

7. Conclusions

As the commonality of camera trap studies continues to grow, it is important to analyze these studies for trends into what make them successful. These factors will vary depending on landscape, species of interest, and budgets. Researchers need to assess these factors and adapt an implementation plan accordingly. When landscapes are particularly challenging, utilizing transect lines is an effective strategy to obtain primary data on wildlife presence (Rovero & Marshall, 2009; Blake et al., 2014). With species in low density, utilizing a grid system across a species known home range size increases probability of high capture rate (Silver, 2004). In areas of higher species density, utilizing fixed stations placed in optimal locations can provide enough cover to obtain bountiful primary data (Porfiero, 2018). These distribution methods in correlation with a research budget will then determine whether enough camera traps can be purchased to cover each camera trap station or if rotating fewer cameras is ideal to maximize successful data collection.  

With the vast amounts of data that camera trap studies collect, it is vital to garner support in data analysis from the general public as citizen scientists. This could come from many different outlets such as partnering with local high schools, colleges, or opening the opportunity up to anyone interested in wildlife. This assistance could come from the citizens living amongst the species being investigated to garner ecological friendly attitudes and behaviors but could also be supported digitally around the world like Zooniverse - Snapshot Serengeti (Rovero & Marshall, 2009).  Furthermore, with the various distribution methods requiring large amounts of time for data retrieval, finding local community members to to volunteer as data collection team members and citizen scientists will further provide support within the stakeholder’s community by giving ownership and building capacity while simultaneously reinforcing a connection to nature and wildlife.

8.Works Cited

Ahumeda, J. A., Hurtado, J., & Lizcano, D. (2013). Monitoring the status and trends of tropical forest terrestrial vertebrate communities from camera trap data: A tool for conservation. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e73707.*

Ancrenaz, M., Hearn, A. J., Ross, J., Sollmann, R., & Wilting, A. (2012). Handbook for wildlife monitoring using camera-traps. BBEC, Sabah, Malaysia. 

Blake, J. G., Mosquera, D., Guerra, J., Loiselle, B. A., Romo, D., & Swing, K. (2014). Yasuni - a hotspot for jaguars Panthera Onca (Carnivora: Felidae)? Camera-traps and jaguar activity at Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Ecuador. International Journal of Tropical Biology, 62(2): 689-698.*

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*Indicates publications utilized in literature review of the 40 individual camera trap studies

Adam J. Dewey, Miami University - Global Field Program, M.A. Biology

A Founding Mother, Resilient and Strong

Jefferson Hemings.jpg

It is well known who Thomas Jefferson is. A founding father of the United States. The man who penned the Declaration of Independence. The sage of Monticello. These titles align themselves with American exceptionalism. The inherent reality of Thomas Jefferson is starkly different from what was taught in schools for decades, if not centuries. While Thomas Jefferson’s achievements and contributions to this nation are nothing to scoff at, it cannot go without noting that he was a slave owner. 

Despite Jefferson’s condemnation of slavery in a 168 word passage of an early version of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson partook in this nation’s original sin, owning 607 humans held in bondage throughout his lifetime, all the while benefitting from its spoils. One of these spoils, a young mixed race woman by the name of Sally Hemmings whom he and his wife, Martha Wayles Jefferson inherited from Martha’s father, John Wayles. Wayles, a British slave trader, merchant, and attorney once had a sexual relationship with Betty Hemings, a slave of mixed race ancestry who gave birth to 10 mixed race children, six of them being half siblings to Martha. The youngest child was Sally. 

Upon Martha’s death at the age of 33, she requested to Thomas Jefferson that he never remarry. Honoring this, Jefferson went about his duties as a politician, some of which led him to Paris, France as an American envoy. In 1784 after Jefferson’s youngest daughter passed away from whooping cough, he requested his surviving daughter Mary “Polly” Jefferson join him and his eldest daughter Martha “Patsy” Jefferson in Paris. As fate may have it, Sally Hemings was assigned to accompany Polly to Paris after another enslaved woman who was originally tasked with the role became pregnant. 

At the age of 13 or 14, Sally arrived in Paris, France with Polly in 1787, joining the 43 year old Thomas Jefferson. Soon thereafter, a sexual relationship began between Sally and Jefferson, to which many details are uncertain. As a woman held in bondage, she had no ability to ward off such advances and today, we know such an age disparity and clear power imbalance to likely be an act of coercion. However, during Sally’s two year stay in Paris, she likely learned from a new found sense of freedom by virtue of her residence in the city where she was legally free from bondage, leading some historians to wonder if the relationship was rape, consensual, or possibly even one rooted in love. As Sally was technically free under French law, something Jefferson was fully aware of, Sally utilized these rights to gain certain privileges. Upon Jefferson’s demand that she return to the United States with him, Sally initially refused. As a concubine of Jefferson, a man who often spoke of liberty and freedom, why should she return to a land where those ideologies were not permitted to her and her unborn children? Through persuasion, Sally and Jefferson were able to bargain, Jefferson promising to free their children at the age of 20. Sally abided, making her return to Monticello in 1789.

Upon her return, Sally continued to work as an enslaved household servant as well as a lady’s maid. Over the next few decades, Sally and Jefferson continued their relationship, giving life to at least six children, the first in 1790 at the age of 16. With the ever longing hopes for her children to see freedom, Sally’s resilience and resolve to hold Jefferson to his word came to fruition for the four children who survived into adulthood. In 1822, Jefferson begrudgingly freed their eldest son and daughter by listing Beverly and Harriet as runaways in his records. Beverly and Harriet soon integrated into white society but at a cost. By denying their family lineage, they were rewarded with safety and acceptance but never able to live as who they truly were. Since this denial, historians have been unable to successfully find these Hemings-Jeffersonian descendants. As freedmen in 1827, Madison and Eston both acknowledged their lineage, passing on their family history from generation to generation, providing bread crumbs to historians to document evidence for Sally and Jefferson’s relationship in addition to various first hand documents and eventual DNA confirmation. Madison and Eston would both go on to marry free women of color, starting families and living alongside their mother Sally in Charlottesville, VA until her passing in 1835. The families were honored to be a part of Sally’s lineage, calling her the family’s “best and bravest character” and passing this along to future generations.

These generational stories eventually led to one young boy often sharing his pride in being a descendant of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson. While learning of presidents in school, he often shared this pride only to be told to stop lying by his teachers because his skin tone did not match that of Jefferson. While being denied his truth, Shannon LaNier held onto what he knew to be fact. In 1999, Lucian Truscott, an acknowledged descendant of Thomas Jefferson invited all descendants of Jefferson, from both Martha and Sally’s lineages to attend the Jefferson family reunion at Monticello for the first time. Shannon was in attendance, finally recognized for what he always knew. As a nation fraught with a shameful past, it is the relationships of people like Shannon and Lucian, cousins lost in time who once again found each other and openly share their love for one another as kin to lead this country in guidance during devise times.

If not for the strength of a woman, born in bondage, determined to fight to see her children know freedom one day, Shannon and Lucian’s story may never have been known. A bargain set in France 76 years before the last slaves were freed in Galveston, TX on June 19, 1865 led to the proliferation of the four lives. Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston witnessed freedom. Through Sally’s resilience, her children gained freedom to live, love, and express themselves through liberty. A freedom that has since led to thousands of descendents living in skins shaded dark and light, Black and white. 

Upon Jefferson’s death, Sally was not freed, a possibly telling sign of the hypocrisy between his words and his actions. Sally did however gain her unofficial freedom through Jefferson’s daughter, and in actuality, her very own niece, Martha Randolph in 1826, permitting Sally to live in Virginia with Madison and Eston. While the founding fathers have long been deified in the United States, the reality is that they were human, full of faults. It is important to recognize these truths. It is also greatly important to raise to light, true heroes that fought for the ideals America says it beholds. Sally Hemings embodies these ideals to the greatest depths possible. She fought for her children to live in freedom, to see an opportunity for prosperity and success, and to experience an upward mobility not provided for other enslaved human beings for several more decades. While Sally may have lived as a slave, her strong spirit fought with a determined resiliency to see the words “all men [and women] are created equal” become true for her own, making Sally Hemings a true Founding Mother of the United States of America.

Education: Constructing School Kitchens in Peru

This is a re-post from the Detroit Zoological Society’s Blog from May 3, 2016 (

During the second week of our visit to Peru as part of the Adopt-A-School program, we continued to deliver donated school supplies to our final eight communities along the Amazon and Napo rivers. Students and teachers received pens, pencils, rulers, notebooks, textbooks and more that will assist with making learning accessible and achievable. The students showed their appreciation for this invaluable academic support by thanking the volunteers and giving presentions and cultural performances, many of which include ecological messages.


As part of the Adopt-A-School program, community partners must commit to following these requirements:

  • Children must go to school regularly

  • Conservation and preservation of the Amazon Rainforest must be standard community practice

  • Communities must be kept clean

  • Productive projects such as medicinal gardens or crops must be maintained in community spaces

Creating reverence and respect for the natural world starts in childhood, is re-enforced through schools and grows into adulthood. In some of the long-standing Adopt-A-School communities, some former program participants now have children within the program, further expanding conservation and preservation as a family value.


In addition to school supply deliveries, the second week of the Adopt-A-School visit includes a service project. This year’s project is taking place at Centro Unido and includes constructing a school kitchen for the government-funded Qali Warma (Quechua for “strong child”) meal program. This will allow parents to cook both breakfast and lunch every day at school to further incentivize attending class by providing meals, while making learning easier by removing hunger as a distraction.


While construction is going on, some volunteers work with the children, providing individualized attention that is hard to come by in a classroom setting. We do many crafts and art projects with the students, exposing them to different learning experiences that are sometimes missing in the rote learning style of Peru. This opportunity to interact one on one with students creates new friendships and many memories.


As this Adopt-A-School volunteer trip comes to an end, it is hard to say goodbye to all of the people we’ve met in Centro Unido as well as the volunteers who have committed their time, energy and finances to making this program a possibility. A big thank you goes out to all who made the 2016 Adopt-A-School school supply deliveries and service project a great success!


Are you interested in preserving the rainforest, one child at a time? For more information on Adopt-A-School donations and volunteer opportunities, please visit

– Adam Dewey is an education specialist for the Detroit Zoological Society.

Education: Preserving the Rainforest, One Child at a Time

This is a re-post from the Detroit Zoological Society’s Blog from April 25, 2016 (

We’re off to Peru for the 24th year of Adopt-A-School, a program that empowers the citizens of the Amazon rainforest to conserve and protect this globally vital ecosystem.

For this journey, I am joined by fellow Detroit Zoological Society Education Specialist Ben Connor Barrie and 20 volunteers from the U.S., Canada, and as far as Australia. We will be making deliveries of school supplies to communities along the Amazon and Napo rivers.


An average day begins with us packing the four “rapidos”, or fast boats, with school supplies. The volunteer team splits up into small groups and each heads out in a different direction to deliver the supplies. The children often come running to the riverbanks to greet us while adults play traditional Amazonian music on drums and flutes. Once the school supplies are moved into the schools, we begin the ceremonies with speeches, dances and more music.


During one of these deliveries, I was lucky to return to a community that is very special to me. Pucallpa is home to many students I’ve become attached to, as it was the first location I traveled to on a service project three years ago. During my last visit to Pucallpa, I had some down time after program evaluations and took up with a few elementary-aged boys who were playing with their balsa wood airplanes. We zoomed around making plane noises through the school and into the schoolyards. One young boy remembered this and wanted me to do it again. He disappeared for a few moments before returning with one of his balsa wood airplanes. He handed it to me and said it was a gift for me. This was by far one of the most special gifts I have ever received from anyone, as it was truly given from the heart.


The global importance of this region cannot be stated enough. It is home to a massive variety of life and produces much of the world’s oxygen. The people who call this region of the world home are crucial partners in conserving the Amazon rainforest. This international collaboration is preserving the rainforest, one child at a time.

For more information on Adopt-A-School donations and volunteer opportunities, please visit

– Adam Dewey is an education specialist for the Detroit Zoological Society.
